SPECTRAS System Requirements and Specifications:
Operating Systems: Spectras seamlessly operates on both Windows and Linux, offering users flexibility with the following minimum requirements:
Windows Server: 2012R2 and above
Windows Desktop: 10 and above
RedHat (Online): Version 8
RedHat (Offline): Version 8.7 Only
Ubuntu: No specific version requirements
Memory and Storage: Ensure your system meets the following memory and storage criteria for optimal performance.
Server: 8GB
Client: 4GB
Minimum: 10GB
Recommended: 100-250GB of HD free (SSD preferred but not mandatory)
CPU: Released within the last 6 years, dual-core, ideally above 2.0 GHz RAM: 8GB or more
Minimum Hardware: Spectras accommodates various hardware configurations, including dedicated PCs, physical servers, and virtual machines (VMs).
Other specifications: Spectras offers extensive capabilities, ensuring flexibility and scalability:
Database: Open
Instrument Connections: Unlimited
Monitored Signals: Unlimited
Remote Sites: Unlimited
Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
Trace Storage: Unlimited (subject to hardware limitations)
Available Modules: Spectras provides diverse modules for different monitoring needs:
Architecture: The Spectras infrastructure consists of four key processes:
Server: Collects real-time RF data and forwards it to subscribed browser client instances and the database for storage.
Database: Stores the collected data efficiently.
API: Facilitates seamless communication between different components.
Client: The user interface for accessing and interacting with the Spectras platform.
The Spectras Server is versatile, running on various environments, including physical servers, virtual machines, or on the Cloud. The platform supports multi-threading, allowing simultaneous communication with all networked instruments.
Spectras monitors thousands of signals from diverse sources, including Spectrum Analyzers, Receivers, and Streamed Trace Data. Its adaptable architecture effortlessly integrates with third-party test equipment, such as RF switches, with minimal effort.
Hardware Requirements:
Minimum Bandwidth Requirement for Normal Performance:
24 KB per second per analyzer
Trace Characteristics:
Approximate Data Size of a Single Trace: Minimum of 1.2 KB
Approximate Number of Traces per Second:
Live: 20 updates per second
Recorded Trace Data for a Single Trace:
LPT-3000RX4: 1.2 KB per update
Approximate Storage Used for Monitoring/Recording 1 Signal 24hrs Continuously for 30 Days:
Live: Up to 63 GB (20 traces a second)
Polling: Up to 4 GB
Spectras Trace Details:
Minimum Number of Data Points for a Standard Spectras Trace:
RX4: 601 points
Minimum Trace Refresh Time: 5 ms
Are Datapoint Analyzers Dependent or Standardized?
Data format is standardized for all traces. The number of data points is dependent on the analyzer
Data Format:
16 Bit Integers
Decimal: 8766/100 = -87.55
Brochures and Specs
Specific Modules Brochure: